Thursday, August 1, 2013

Early Stages

William Clark began a lifelong practice of journaling his experiences at the age of 19 while serving in the volunteer militia force. At that time, his responsibility was to help preserve the Kentucky territory during the Northwest Indian War. It would be another 14 years before Meriwether Lewis asked Clark to share command of the "Corps of Discovery" expedition.

This whole moving thing is a little weird. It doesn't compute in my head. At least, not yet. I think about all of the goodbyes we said just a few days ago - goodbyes to family, friends, co-workers, home, work, our cars, our home-state, everything familiar to us - and I can't comprehend that any of those were actual goodbyes. They felt like a bunch of "see you later's." I can't say that a single tear dropped during any goodbyes we gave and I think that's because this just doesn't feel real. It feels so much like we'll just be back in a few weeks. And everything will be back to normal. 

But it won't be.

We are on a road trip and that definitely computes. After all, we just spent 18 hours solid in the car yesterday. But it feels more like we're going somewhere than that we are also leaving somewhere. 

California is home. California has always been home. So how can it be that California is no longer where I live? How can it be that I don't even know the next time I'll be back to California?

As of right now, I don't have a physical home. In that case, now more than ever, I recognize that song as true — home is wherever I'm with you ("you" being my hot, genius husband Clark, of course!). So for now, home is in Little America, Wyoming. Tomorrow it will be the mountains of Colorado.

And some day, this will all make sense in my head.

Below are some pictures from our loooooong driving day yesterday. Mostly scenery. I promised to have more pictures of myself in my next blog post, but I would like to give you a rain-check on that promise for now:

 We left California for good when we crossed into Nevada. 
It was a weird, but exciting feeling. Adventure, here we come!

 Miles and miles of... road. 

Clark driving. Crossed into 4 states yesterday. He did the whole 18 hours all by himself!
But he did have a pretty stellar wing-man/woman ;)

 Utah state line!

 Salt flats in Utah - these were crazy! Looked like snow all over, but it was over 100 degrees here.

My mom sent me a text message during our drive with this picture attached. 
Maybe tacky, but I felt like it completely surmises our expedition right now.

 Made it to Wyoming!

I wish we drove through Wyoming during more daylight! 
The scenery was beautiful, but it got dark too fast. 

Stay tuned for more from the Lizzie and Clark Expedition!

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