Sunday, August 11, 2013


One of the biggest concerns for the journey west was keeping each of the expedition members healthy and well-fed. Nearly 93 pounds of portable soup was brought on the trip along with over 7 tons of various food provisions including flour, sugar, beans, corn, pork, and coffee. The men took turns making meals for the group, using whatever game and available plants they could. 

"Elizabeth, how are you going to make dinners for your husband and your own family if you don't start learning how to cook now?" my mom asked, doing her best to coax me into helping in the kitchen.

"I'm just going to find a man who loves to cook!" answered a prophetic, stubborn, and 15 year-old me.

And what do you know, lo-and-behold, I find myself now married to a man who not only loves to cook, but is flat amazing at it.

So when it came to meeting my Papa for the first time on this trip, Clark knew exactly what to do. Following that age-old proverb ("The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"), Clark cooked up a storm for the whole family - twice during our visit! Of course, Papa loved him.

After our time in the Colorado mountains, we came back south to New Mexico to visit my grandparents. My family met up with us on their own vacation while we were out there so we could spend more time together before heading East. It was a great relaxing and quality-time kind of visit.

One of my favorite things about visiting Nana and Papa's house is having the opportunity to hear about their past. This time, I learned that 45 years ago,  my Papa retired from the Marine Corps while stationed in none other than Washington D.C. So as we journey towards the capital now, he reminisced on his expedition from it so many years ago. As he was preparing to head for home, a fellow Marine asked, "Anything you need?" Without hesitation, my Papa answered, "Yeah, that chair the corporal is sitting in. Put it in my van." He still has that chair today! See below.

The chair was desirable because it was an "Officer's Chair" — it had arm rests and swiveled, and only officer's could sit in it.  So I guess you can call me "Officer Lizzie" now. ;)

My grandparents have 2 dogs. My Aunt has 3. Every time she comes over, she brings her dogs for a party of 5 in the house at one time. It's a big dog party!

Here's my Aunt - sans dogs:

Clark's the head chef!

And of course, all trips to Nana and Papa's house must include a visit to Cracker Barrel. 
Here's my brother and I with Nana!
Clark, Papa and I before we headed out. We love you, Papa!

Stay tuned for our expedition into New Orleans!

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